BWCA Canoe Trip Packing List
What Gear Do I need to Bring on a BWCA Canoe Trip?
As with any outdoor endeavor, there is some essential equipment that will make your adventure, safer and more enjoyable. A proper BWCA packing list is essential. Having the right personal gear can make the difference for having a great canoe trip. The goal is to balance comfort with carrying gear over portages.
Fishing Tackle in Our Shop
Don’t Get Stuck Up a Creek Without a Paddle!
Here Are Our Suggestions For a Boundary Waters “What To Bring” List
List of Personal Gear That You Should Bring From Home
1 Pair of Long Pants
Swim Suit or Short Pants
2 Tee Shirts
1 Long Sleeve Wool or Poly Shirt
2 Sets of Underwear
1 Medium Weight Pair of Long Underwear (spring and fall trips)
Hat for Sun and Rain
Gloves (spring and fall trips)
3 Pairs of Medium Weight Wool Socks
Set of Reliable Rain Gear (we suggest jacket and pants of breathable material)
Shoes with ankle support and closed toes, hiking boots or knee-high rubber boots (for portaging and in the canoe)
1 Extra Pair of Camp Shoes (tennis shoes or light weight water proof shoes)
Toilet Kit with Small Towel
First Aid Kit and Sewing Kit (1 per permit)
Flashlight (1 per tent)
Compass (1 per canoe)
Pocket Knife
Fishing Gear and Tackle (optional)
Camera (optional)
Insect Repellent (1 per canoe)
Sun Screen (1 per canoe)
Playing Cards (optional)
Paperback Book (optional)
GPS and/or Locator Beacon (optional)
Nylon Cord, Bungee cords and Duct Tape (optional)
Personal Water Bottle for Drinking Water (optional)
Note: All personal gear should be contained in waterproof bags that will be put in canoe packs when you arrive.
Canoeing Gear
Williams and Hall can help with all your outfitting canoe gear needs. Talk to us about the following items to help complete your BWCA packing list:
Canoes -We offer different canoe options
We-No-Nah Kevlar canoes – Weight 42 to 65 lbs
Lightweight Alumicraft aluminum canoes – Weight 42 to 65 lbs
(First to offer!) Carbon fiber ultra-lightweight canoes – Weight 35 lbs
Paddle ( 1 per paddler)
An Extra Paddle
Camping Gear
Life Jackets
All of these items are included in our Complete Outfitting Packages. You can ask us about other optional canoeing gear for your trip.
Overnight Camping Gear
Sleeping Bag*
Sleeping Pad*
Rain Fly*
Rope and pulley for hanging food*
Toilet Paper and trowel*
Large canoe and food packs*
Water Filter
Camping Chairs
Bug Net
AM/FM radio (weather radio)
SUNSCREEN (Very Important)
Flashlight (A headlamp works best.)
Compass (GPS optional w/extra batteries)
Knife/Sharpening Stone
Matches in a waterproof case
Sewing/Repair Kit
First Aid Kit (Know how to use what you bring.)
* These items are included in our Complete Outfitting Packages.
You can ask us about other optional canoeing gear for your trip.
With fifty years of experience, we know the necessary items you should bring for a Great Trip
We want you to have a great experience when visiting the boundary waters, one of the ways we can help make that happen is making sure you’re outfitted with the right gear to give you that experience. At Williams and Hall, we’re dedicated to making sure you have all the items on your list checked off before you hit the water. Contact Us today to get your next trip planned. 218.365.5837