Boundary Waters Weather -Ely Forecast and Historical Data
Boundary Waters and Ely MN Weather 7 day Weather Forecast
Boundary Waters weather and Ely, MN weather play a big part in planning for your trip. Make sure you check the BWCA forecast the day before your departure to the Boundary Waters to make sure you are properly equipped for what nature may bring.
Boundary Waters / Ely MN Monthly Temperature and Rainfall Forecast
During canoe season in Ely, Minnesota and in the Boundary Waters, the weather is always changing. Depending on time of year, you can see warm, sunny days or a chance of snow (and snow accumulations). Here are average temperatures and conditions for each month of the year in the BWCA.
Average High ranges from 58º to 69º
Average Low range from 34º to 45º
Cloud Cover - May tends to be overcast 48% to 54% of the month.
Precipitation - In May the average chance of rain daily is 27% to 35%
Rainfall - For the month averaging 1.9 to 3.3 inches.
Average High ranges from 70º to 75º
Average Low ranges from 45º to 53º
Cloud Cover - June tends to be overcast 41% to 48% of the month.
Precipitation - In June the average chance of rain daily is 35% to 42%
Rainfall - For the month averaging 3.0 to 3.6 inches.
Average High ranges from 75º to 77º
Average Low ranges from 54º to 55º
Cloud Cover - July tends to be overcast 31% to 40% of the month.
Precipitation - In July the average chance of rain daily is 33% to 42%
Rainfall - For the month averaging 2.6 to 3.5 inches.
Average High ranges from 71º to 76º
Average Low ranges from 50º to 55º
Cloud Cover - August tends to be overcast 31% to 37% of the month.
Precipitation - In August the average chance of rain daily is 31% to 33%
Rainfall - For the month averaging 2.0 to 2.8 inches.
Average High ranges from 59º to 71º
Average Low 40º to 50º
Cloud Cover - September tends to be overcast 37% to 47% of the month.
Precipitation - In September the average chance of rain daily is 27% to 32%
Rainfall - For the month averaging 2.5 to 2.8 inches.