What is a Boundary Waters Night?


Ely Boundary Waters

williams and hall outfitters ely mn

williams and hall outfitters ely mn

BWCA Quetico Williams and Hall Outfitters Ely MN

BWCA Quetico Williams and Hall Outfitters Ely MN

In the coming weeks, you will see our invitation asking you to join us for a Boundary Waters Night in your area.  You say to yourself, “What is a Boundary Waters Night anyway?”  Cause, heck you don’t want to go and get some kind of sales pitch.  Well here is the scoop:Boundary Waters Nights were invented 24 years ago as a way to accomplish several things.  First, we want to create an excuse for Boundary Waters enthusiasts to get out of the house on a winter’s night and mingle with others in your area that have a similar love and passion for the outdoors.   While, we will admit to having a lot of fun in the process, we also want to provide some learning opportunity for our guests.So as a part of every Boundary Waters Night we have two presentations.  First, is a great slide show that serves as an introduction to the Boundary Waters.  If you have never been there, this is for you.  Even if you have been there a hundred times, it is fun to see the slides of the area and get revved up for the next season.   The second part is a 20 to 30-minute seminar that covers some aspect of a Boundary Waters trip.  Last year we talked about the joy of travelling lighter.  Some years we talk about fishing, and maybe wildlife photography.  These are designed to be useful for everyone; experienced and neophyte alike.Then there are the door prizes.  Your chance to win a $100.00 Bending Branches paddle is worth attending just in and of its self.  Finally, refreshments are served and a chance to mingle with others.  All in all, it’s a great night.  Please join us if you can.  It is a great chance to figure out how to get a trip off the ground if it’s your first time, and a great time to recharge your batteries if you are an old timer.

Come See Us

Paddle On. Be Free.

Kevin Lynch

Kevin lives in the Chicago area. He has been providing business and wilderness expertise to Williams and Hall since 2004, and most recently has taken on digital marketing responsibilities.  Kevin first visited the Boundary Waters as a scout leader when his son was a young Boy Scout.  Some of you may have seen him having the time of his life fishing Moose Lake, canoeing throughout the Boundary Waters, or camping as far from civilization as he can get.  Kevin is a life-long avid outdoors man who particularly enjoys fly fishing and wilderness camping.  (He wears a lot of sun screen.) Also, some of you may know Kevin’s son, Brian (now an Eagle Scout), who spent many summers working at Williams and Hall before finishing college.


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