Tips For Better Boundary Waters Canoe Portaging


Boundary Waters portaging, that act of carrying your canoe and cargo over a trail connecting two lakes, brings fear into the hearts of Canoe Country newbies and pros alike.  The fact of the matter is that portaging a canoe and gear is an intricate part of a Boundary Waters canoe trip.  It doesn’t need to be looked upon as a necessary evil.  Instead anticipate portages with a positive sense of challenge and adventure.  After all, who knows what you might find around the next corner of the trail.

Even with that sense of challenge and adventure, portaging can be hard.  Bugs, distance, elevation gain and decline, heat, rain, and rocks all are part of portaging.  Like any other part of a canoe trip, preparation can make a difference in your portaging.

Be Able To Read a BWCA Map

First, make sure you can read your Boundary Waters Canoe Area map.  Planning your canoe country trip route requires consideration of the portages involved.  Many times, canoeists only focus on the distance of a portage (portage length is measured in rods which are about the length of a canoe).  While distance is important, the elevation gain and decline are also key considerations.  Pay attention to the map’s contour lines as you evaluate portages.  Make sure that the people in your party will be able to handle the portages that you choose.  Also, consider the time it will take to portage when planning your trip.  Hilly portages will take longer to cross than flat ones. A long portage can be made better when you know what to expect.

Practical Canoe and Gear Portaging Tips

Now that your route is chosen, here are some additional tips to make your portaging successful:

  1. Practice lifting up and shouldering a canoe properly.

  2. Have good footwear that provides ankle support and traction. You might also like your footwear to be waterproof or quick drying.

  3. Use quality canoe packs. Good packs will ride well in the canoe and ride well on your back when portaging. Pack key gear in dry bags.

  4. Consolidate your gear in packs whenever possible. Prior to heading on your trip, think about the portaging you will be doing. All portages should require no more than two trips to complete.

  5. Don’t forget to have your bug spray, water bottle and a snack ready when you hit the shore. You might also wear a long sleeve shirt on portages if bugs are bad.

  6. If the portage is any significant length, study your map before heading down the trail. Few things are worse than taking a wrong turn during a portage.

  7. If your portage requires two trips, carry the heaviest items on the first trip across the portage.

  8. Enjoy the walk back for the next load. Take a drink of water while you listen and look at what’s going on around you.

  9. It is a good idea to keep one hand free to catch your self should you fall, particularly on difficult portage trails.

  10. Make sure everyone carries their fair share. Too often, bad feelings can develop quickly if someone is loafing.

  11. Travel across the portage in pairs for safety. Know where your first aid kit is in case it is needed.

  12. Make sure you inventory your cargo before and after the portage to make sure nothing is forgotten and left behind.

Ask Your Outfitter

If you are still worried, we always offer free instructions on how to lift and shoulder a canoe and how to efficiently pack for your trip at Williams and Hall.  Just ask us.

Finally, remember to exercise portage etiquette.  Always yield the trail to a person carrying a canoe.  Don’t put your stuff in the middle of the trail.  And remember to say hello, and give your fellow canoeists a smile as they pass by.

Paddle On.  Be Free.

Kevin Lynch

Kevin lives in the Chicago area. He has been providing business and wilderness expertise to Williams and Hall since 2004, and most recently has taken on digital marketing responsibilities.  Kevin first visited the Boundary Waters as a scout leader when his son was a young Boy Scout.  Some of you may have seen him having the time of his life fishing Moose Lake, canoeing throughout the Boundary Waters, or camping as far from civilization as he can get.  Kevin is a life-long avid outdoors man who particularly enjoys fly fishing and wilderness camping.  (He wears a lot of sun screen.) Also, some of you may know Kevin’s son, Brian (now an Eagle Scout), who spent many summers working at Williams and Hall before finishing college.


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